Well, howdy stranger! It’s been… well, a while. There’s been a lot going on in the past.. Oh dear, it’s really been almost 3 years! …
Third Trimester Update!
It’s my birthday week! As such, I’m taking the week off from prepping a recipe and instead, here to chat a bit about my pregnancy! …
2018 Goals + Renew
Taking a couple of weeks off was a fabulous idea (wait, vacation is good for you?!). Even though the rest of my life more or …
Spring Risotto with Bacon, Leeks, & Pea Puree
I love many things about cooking. I love that it can be precise, ingredients like puzzle pieces. I love that it can be experimental. It can …
Mojo Pork Tacos
It’s been about six months since I started Bear & Bug Eats. *pause to throw celebratory glitter* In some ways, the doing is affirming. For …
Cottage Pie + Ten Year Reunion(s)
Do you ever feel like high school never really left you behind? This week I do, because I’m prepping to attend not one, but TWO …
My City
[Photo from flickr by Ricymar Photography] Readers of this blog will know that I live in Orlando, Before Sunday (June 12, 2016), that meant hot …
On relative age
I turned 28 last month, and I don’t know how old I am.