Welcome to Bear & Bug Eats! I’m Katie Burroughs (the bug), and my husband Robby (the bear) is lurking somewhere around the corner. Robby makes appearances as guest chef, mixologist, and chief taste tester.
Bear & Bug is a place where we explore weeknight meals, tasty baking, and fun desserts. I make a lot of mistakes, try again, and when in doubt, I add bacon.
The two of us have very different cooking styles. I get impatient if a recipe takes too long and if I lived alone, would probably exist on endless variations of mac ‘n’ cheese with a side of baked goods. Robby loves cooking for the art of it and regards yeast with suspicion. I love Chinese and Italian best; he likes Mexican and trendy foods. He has formally studied wine; I fall off of chairs when I drink. Our daughter Kyla was born in May 2018. We love exploring the growing food scene in our hometown of Orlando, Florida.
We hope that you enjoy what you read here! We’d love to hear from you in the comments, on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! Photo is from our engagement shoot by Jammin’ Swing Photography; logo is by Seals Creative.
Work With Me
I love to work with great brands! Contact me via any of the above methods or at EatwithBearandBug@gmail.com. Previous partnerships have included Food Wine Conference, Intensity Academy, and Sunday Supper Movement.
Creative Commons
Bear & Bug Eats is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. This means you’re free to share the content, as long as you credit Bear & Bug Eats!